Statement of Opportunity
First United Presbyterian Church (USA) is a community of believers bound in faith through Jesus Christ. We have been called to demonstrate God’s love through worship, service, education and Christian nurture to the ever-changing Charlotte community, and to all persons seeking God’s wholeness. The Session of FUPC, along with the congregation, acknowledge our legacy in the community of Charlotte and the need to ensure that legacy into the future. A major part of that legacy has been our facilities, especially our sanctuary which is 155 years old this year.
Our Session has been working diligently for more than a year identifying needs and priorities. We have also been in conversation with the congregation for more than a year regarding this work. Both our sanctuary and education building roofs are in disrepair and this work is the primary focus of this capital campaign. It is our hope to raise enough capital to address opportunities in our sanctuary, as well. After receiving quotes for the restoration/replacement of our buildings’ roofs, the Session recognized that we had no choice but to undertake a capital campaign in order to complete this needed work. Our priorities are as follows:
Phase I: Roof Repairs- $300,000
- Replace entire roof on education building, $60,075
- Repair/restore the sanctuary’s slate roof, $203,438
- Contingencies associated with roof repair/restoration, $36,442
Phase II: Sanctuary Renovations
- Improve accessibility
- Repair/replace and reupholster pews
- Repair and update pulpit furniture
- Update flooring
- Audio and visual improvements
- Repair cracks, damaged woodwork, doors and paint
- Repair and update lighting
- Replace stain glass windows protective coverings
We are currently having our sanctuary evaluated for renovation. We have no idea at this time what it would cost to complete Phase II. Our ability to address Phase II will be based solely on the amount of capital we expect to raise. Though the Way Forward Committee has been tasked with discerning future ministry opportunities related to the church, it is imperative that we maintain and continue the work of ministry today. Therefore, we must undertake this work to restore and replace our roofs.