Youth Ministry
At First United, we seek to provide our children and youth opportunities for spiritual growth through education, fellowship, and mission. Our youth are involved in all facets of the church as well as camps and conferences such as youth choir and participating in worship services at least once a month.

November 4th & 5th – Join with youth from around the Charlotte Presbytery for a weekend of fun, fellowship and learning in a camp style setting. Explore your faith, Participate in open conversations and learn spiritual discipline. Cost of the retreat is $65 per person, but for youth who participate in the Charlotte Youth Ministry Consortium the cost will be $45 per person which is due in the Presbytery Office by Sunday, October 22nd. Registration forms, the retreat schedule and packing list can be found on the bulletin board in the Library and Narthex. Please write CYMC on the registration form where it asks for your Youth Director. Transportation will be provided by the CYMC from Charlotte to Camp Pee Dee.
The Charlotte Youth Ministry Consortium meeting will be held on Sunday, October 17th at the Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church, located at 5125 Mt. Olive Church Road from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. This month’s theme is Faith & Service and we will be engaging in a service project to benefit the Uptown Men’s Shelter. All youth are requested to bring 1 pack of men’s athletic socks along with them to the meeting.
Charlotte Youth Ministry Consortium (CYMC)
Charlotte Youth Ministry Consortium (CYMC), an initiative of the Presbytery of Charlotte, designed to bring together middle and high school youth from smaller congregations to create an exciting and vibrant youth ministry program in a cooperative ministry setting. Regularly scheduled youth group meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at one of the churches participating in the consortium. In addition, the youth participate in fellowhip, service learning and mission projects at least once per month. For more information call the church office @ 704.376.8014.